Recipes That Made the Cut

These are recipes that we have tried and think they are worth the effort required. I will post where I found the recipe whenever possible.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Balsamic Salad Dressing

I learned this recipe from my dear friend Karen Cohen years ago. It was my first salad dressing and is still an old faithful. I am sure by now she has crafted this into a science of delicious bursting flavor but I will pass on here the basics I learned about 13 years ago.

No measurements - it is kind of to taste

balsamic vinegar
drop of dijon mustard
dash of soy sauce
olive oil

After writing that I feel I am missing a crucial ingredient . . .

Whisk them all together, serve with greens of your choice, toasted pine nuts and whatever else you have and would like.

Tonight Jimmy and I are having this with red onions, avocado and feta.


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